Thoha Khalsa is a village of tehsil Kahuta District Rawalpindi Pakistan . The village is located in the South East of Rawalpindi city at the distance of 45 kilometers. The population is about 20,000 consisting different tribes named Janjua Rajput, Ghakhar ,Mirza, Bhati and few others. The language used by the people is Pothohari and majority of the people is labour. Few of them are serving in different Government / Civil organizations of Pakistan, However about 4% are working in foreign countries. It is a his torical village and was established by the Sikh,s in early 1 8 th Century during the Sikh rule over Punjab and Kashmir. This village got importance in 1840 when In Pothohar area Thoha Khalsa and Dera Khalsa along with few other villages were selected by Sikh Gurus/Sardars to conduct regular religious activit ies to convert other religions in to Sikhs. Historical importance Avtar Singh...